Akiachak Airport Relocation
Akiachak, Alaska

This project consisted of relocating the Akiachak Airport to 1.4 miles west of the community. The project included a 3,300-foot runway, two (one heated, one unheated) snow removal equipment buildings, runway lighting and pads for navigational aids, and constructing an access road from the community to the new airport. The property title was conveyed under ANCSA and resulted in the local native village having the title to the surface rights and the regional native corporation having title to the sub-surface rights and involved negotiations with both entities.

Beaver Loop Road Improvements and Pedestrian Pathway Project
Subconsultant to Kinney Engineering, Inc.
Kenai, Alaska

DOT&PF and City of Kenai are upgrading Beaver Loop Road from Bridge Access Road to the Kenai Spur Highway intersection. Construction is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2019. As a subconsultant to Kinney Engineering, Inc., EPS ROWS’s work on this project is now complete. EPS ROWS’s assignments included the acquisition of approximately 7 permanent easements, 1 temporary construction easement, and 57 temporary construction permits for driveways. All acquired parcels were settled amicably. Project updates can be found at www.beaverlooproad.com.

Debarr Substation
Chugach Electric Association (CEA)
Anchorage, Alaska

Tasks for this existing substation included obtaining site plan approval for a new communication tower and the permits necessary to commence installation of the tower. EPS ROWS’s work on this project is complete.

Eklutna 230 kV Transmission Line Rebuild
Municipal Light & Power (ML&P)
Anchorage, Alaska

A rebuild of the Eklutna Transmission Line between the power-generation facility near Eklutna Lake and Fossil Creek near Fort Richardson, converting a 1950’s wood pole H-Frame 115-kv single circuit line to a 230-kv double circuit line on single steel poles. All existing rights of way for the 22.5-mile line required review and a determination if the existing grants authorized the upgrade. Property interests on 96 properties were analyzed, resulting in the identification and acquisition of additional easement rights for 45 parcels, and the acquisition of 3 new parcels for a 3-mile re-alignment. The project was controversial due to a disgruntled minority co-owner of the project. A major public involvement for the right of way process before the local communities was required as a result of the actions of the co-owner. Despite the co-owner’s actions, rights of way were acquired amicably and a contested BLM right of way was granted after an appeal to the Interior Board of Land Appeals. Easements were obtained across a military base, municipal park lands as well as lands under the jurisdiction of the Alaska DNR. A SWPPP was prepared and rights of way/permits were acquired from the BLM, FAA, USACE, MOA, and DOT&PF.

Fiber Optic Cable Project
General Communications, Inc. (GCI)
Wasilla, Alaska to Fairbanks, Alaska

A 260-mile fiber optic project that took only 21 months to go from the initial concept to completion of construction. EPS analyzed the land interests and permitting requirements for three major corridors, developed the land acquisition and permitting schedule for each, performed engineering analysis to determine the rough order of magnitude of construction costs, estimated the cost and budget for each corridor, and recommended the alignment chosen. On the acquisition side, EPS acquired grants of rights of way from the NPS, BLM, SOA, and Ahtna Incorporated, an Alaska Native Corporation. EPS also obtained all other agency regulatory and land use permits, which included an USACE wetlands permit and an archeological study of the entire alignment. EPS developed the mapping, provided all engineering services necessary to assure the project complied with all National Electric Safety Code and regulatory agency requirements, and performed construction inspection.

Glenn Highway Reconstruction MP 34-42
Subconsultant to HDR Alaska, Inc.
Palmer, Alaska

This project will widen Glenn Highway to a four-lane divided highway between the Parks Highway and Arctic Avenue in Palmer. As a subconsultant to HDR Alaska, Inc., EPS ROWS’s work on this project is complete. EPS ROWS’s assignment included the acquisition of approximately 50 parcels as well as 13 relocations. All acquired parcels were settled amicably. Updates for this project can be found at http://www.brooks-alaska.com/glennhighway/.

Glenn Highway Reconstruction

Hane Substation
Chugach Electric Association (CEA)
Anchorage, Alaska

EPS ROWS’s responsibilities for this completed substation included obtaining site plan approval for the communication tower and the permits necessary to begin construction. Permits procured included fill/grade (MOA), right of way use (MOA and DOT&PF), and structural (MOA).

Hospital to Herning Transmission Line
Matanuska Electric Association (MEA)
Wasilla, Alaska

EPS ROWS conducted base mapping, managed a land surveying consultant, acquired 70 easement acquisitions, and managed other environmental permits for this new transmission line project. The route selection process through the City of Wasilla was contentious, and we conducted a detailed analysis of numerous route alternatives and documented a public participation process for the City of Wasilla permit application.

Parks Highway Phase I & II
Wasilla, Alaska

Our work on this project included 86 acquisitions and more than 200 relocation parcels. It encompassed all facets of the right of way field, from the relocation of 40 low-income tenants living in substandard housing to the total acquisition and relocation of a 150 unit self-storage facility, to partial acquisitions and complex business negotiations involving circulation issues and flammable personal property. Two parcels were referred to the Attorney General for completion. We were awarded IRWA Chapter 49’s 2013 Project of the Year for our work on this project due to the many challenging relocation issues we successfully faced. Project updates can be found at http://www.parkshighway44-52.info/.

Replacement of Water Street Trestle #2
Ketchikan, Alaska

EPS ROWS acquired 2 fee simple acquisitions, 43 permanent easements, and 39 temporary construction easements located on 36 separate properties. All acquired parcels were settled amicably. The proximity of improvements to the trestle made this project complex. EPS ROWS was awarded IRWA Chapter 49’s 2014 Project of the Year for this project due to the challenging right of way corridor and design challenges we overcame, which included resolution of on- and off-site parking displacements, and developing a temporary relocation plan due to noise levels potentially exceeding acceptable standards.

Seward Highway Dimond to Dowling
Anchorage, Alaska

This phase of the Seward Highway Reconstruction project will continue the six-lane divided highway section recently finished from Dowling Road to 36th Avenue through to Dimond Boulevard, with a new grade-separated interchange at Lore Road. EPS ROWS’s work on this completed project included 58 fee acquisitions, 10 easements, 12 temporary construction easements, 40 temporary construction permits, multiple business relocations, and 1 residential relocation. All acquired parcels were settled amicably. Updates for this project can be found at www.sewardhighway.info.

Thompson Pass Route Selection and Permitting
Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA)
Valdez, Alaska

EPS ROWS conducted an extensive public outreach campaign to assist CVEA in re-locating an electric transmission line by the Worthington Glacier. The 1984 power line was damaged repeatedly by avalanches, making it necessary to move the line closer to the Worthington Glacier, which raised public concerns. This extensive documentation of the positive and negative aspects of the alternative routes made the DNR decision an easy one, to allow the re-locate. The DNR and DOT&PF permits are in place. We performed an as-built survey of the new line to DNR standards.

Thompson Pass

Tolsona Creek
Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA)
Glenallen, Alaska

EPS ROWS completed a right of way and design survey of a distribution line that needs to be moved due to landslides near Tolsona Creek, 18 miles west of Glennallen.