Acquisition Term Contract
Municipality of Anchorage (MOA)
Anchorage, Alaska

EPS ROWS has an on-going term contract with the MOA to acquire rights of way for their road and infrastructure projects. Recent completed projects include: 36th Avenue Retaining Wall Improvements, Sylvan Drive Reconstruction, Middle Fork Chester Creek Culvert Replacement, Ravensbruch Phase II Storm CIPP, Turnagain Boulevard Upgrade, East Klatt Road Drainage Improvements, and Pleasant Valley Subdivision Road and Drainage Improvements. All acquired parcels were settled amicably.

Turnagain Boulevard

Nanwalek/Port Graham Airport Relocation
Subconsultant to R & M Consultants, Inc.
Nanwalek, Alaska and Port Graham, Alaska

This project will consolidate the village airports of Port Graham and Nanwalek into one modernized airport with safer air traffic patterns. EPS ROWS is tasked with providing acquisition and relocation services to over a dozen properties, many owned by Alaskan natives or native corporations. Acquisition services will first require rights of entry to allow surveying and geotechnical crews to access the properties before commencing the fee simple acquisition phase. Project updates can be found at

Parks Highway Reconstruction Phase III
Pittman Road to Big Lake Road
Wasilla, Alaska

This phase of the Parks Highway Reconstruction project will continue the four-lane divided highway section now completed from Church Road to Pittman Road through to Big Lake Road, with at-grade intersections spaced every half-mile from Church Road to Big Lake Road. Frontage roads will be improved and the existing 10-foot wide pedestrian pathway will be reconstructed and/or relocated as necessary. EPS ROWS provides all necessary right of way services for the project, which include the acquisition of over 100 numbered parcels. The ROW maps indicate over 2 dozen parcels as total acquisitions and nearly 100 parcels as partial acquisitions. Relocation services will be provided to dozens of residential occupants and nearly 2 dozen businesses. Right of way work began in 2013. Design changes have pushed the project out to a 2019 completion date. Updates for this project can be found at

Seldon Road Extension Phase II
Matanuska-Susitna Borough (MSB)
Subconsultant to Stantec, Inc.
Wasilla, Alaska

This phase of the Seldon Road Extension project will continue the two-lane road section recently finished from Church Road to the east end of Beverly Lake Road through to Pittman Road. EPS ROWS’s work on this project is mostly complete. It has included the acquisition of approximately 15 parcels, including 5 total acquisitions, as well as 3 residential relocations. All acquired parcels were settled amicably. Updates for Phase II can be found at

3rd Street Widening Acquisition and Relocation
Fairbanks, Alaska

This project includes both acquisition and relocation of business and residential properties. Some properties are in a zoning district which historically requires no setbacks, so the impacts to some properties are significant, requiring the purchase of buildings and other improvements. This project was begun in 2010 and put on hold for re-design. The acquisition and relocation phase will continue in earnest in Fall 2018. Project updates can be found at

University Avenue Rehabilitation and Widening
Segments 1 and 2
Fairbanks Alaska

This project will widen and provide alternate access on a congested urban thoroughfare from the Chena River to UAF. It has been divided into 2 segments, from the Chena River north to UAF (Segment 1) and from the Chena River south to Mitchell Expressway. Segment 1 required acquisitions from nearly 40 owners and is mostly complete. Segment 2 is underway and will require acquisitions from over 40 owners. There were numerous relocations on Segment 1 and several relocations anticipated for Segment 2. Project updates can be found at